Where in the World is Sister Frampton?

Pardubice in

North - Central Czech Republic



You can always email her at: haley.frampton@myldsmail.net


Write to Sister Frampton in the Czech Republic (Make sure her name is after the Church name as shown):





PRAGUE 6 160 00



If you want to send a package, it is very important you address it as follows (also review the other details below for packages):








PRAGUE 6 160 00




Letter and Package FAQ's


What do I write on the USPS shipping manifest?

• List the recipient as James W. McConkie.

• Write the address as per the instructions above.

• List the package as a gift.


Customs Declaration

• If you are filling out a ‘United States Postal Services Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note – CP 72 (PS Form 2976-A)’ PLEASE write the total value in  ‘Section 8 Total Value US$ (all items)’. This is a white form that has a carbon copy underneath. It is placed on the package in a plastic sleeve so that the pages  can be examined by customs.

• If you are filling out a pale green ‘PS Form 2976’ then clearly write the total value in the ‘Totals (7)’ Section. This is a sticker which is attached to the package.

• The total declared value must not exceed €40 Euros (roughly $49 US) – otherwise the package will not be delivered and a customs fee has to be paid before the package can be collected.

• If you need to send more than €40 worth, separate into multiple packages.

• Make sure you list the items in the package and give them an approximate value – not necessarily the exact sticker price. However if the package is insured then you will need to put the correct value on each item and expect to pay a customs fee.

• Do not list any items as having ‘no value’ or ‘$0’.  This will raise red flags at the Customs Police.



How  is mail delivered to the Mission Office?

• Letters and most small packages are placed in a large white sack and delivered by a postman to our door.

• We also receive some mail via UPS and FedEx. This is delivered by a courier and we sign for it.

• Sometimes larger packages are delivered by another postal worker. These packages are also signed for.

• Sometimes packages are NOT DELIVERED to us at all. These are usually heavier items and packages that are either addressed incorrectly, valued at more than $49 or contain prohibited substances such as beef jerky. We receive a white slip of paper telling us where the package is being held and the date it needs to be collected by before it is returned to the sender.


What items can I include in a package?

• You can send clothing, candy, pictures etc.

Do not send - Medication, Beef Jerky, or Peanut Butter.  They will be stopped at Customs.


How will the Mission know which Missionary the package is for?

• Each missionary is given their own 4 digit ‘packages code’. This will be sent to missionaries and their families the month before they arrive in the Mission. (Haley's code is 1345)

• Please write this number clearly on the bottom right hand corner of the package as well as up by the return address - so if our postal service covers one number, we can see the other number easily.


Why address the package to James W. McConkie?

• The Office Elders have the assignment to collect packages that for some reason are not delivered to the Mission Office. This is very time consuming for them as the customs depot is quite a distance away by bus. The Office Elders are expected to maintain the same language, study, teaching and finding standards as the other missionaries as well as fulfill their office responsibilities.

•  When they present themselves either at the customs depot or the post office they are required to show their passports to identify themselves.

• They have a power of attorney to collect items in behalf of President McConkie. If packages are addressed to President McConkie then the Office Elders can collect them using the power of attorney.

• If packages are addressed to individual missionaries it is impossible to collect something in their behalf.


How long does it take for mail to arrive?

• When correctly addressed, packages and letters normally arrive within a couple of weeks. Please allow a month when sending something for a birthday. Christmas parcels should be sent by the end of October to be guaranteed delivery.


How often do the missionaries receive mail?

• Missionaries serving in Prague receive their mail on the same day it is delivered.

• Missionaries serving outside of Prague receive their mail at least once a month at the monthly Zone Trainings. These are held towards the end of every month.

• There may be other reasons that missionaries visit the Mission Office throughout the month eg for visa work, a medical reason, leadership meetings etc. Throughout the month - whenever missionaries come in to the Mission Office - we ask them to take mail to their fellow missionaries serving in their area.