

Content - Added lots of new photos and split Pardubice into three separate albums



Content - Updated the homepage with new location information.  Added photo of Haley and Sister Holland to homepage.

Design - Changed the home page to do a slide show between Haley's portrait and one with her current companion.  Added Pardubice Button and Pardubice Photo Album.



Content - Tons of new content added.  About 30 audio files. Updated location on the Contact Haley page. Updated Home page with current info.  Added a bunch of photos to the UH page and a handful to the Brno page.

Design - Added a Brno button and Brno photo album.  Re-ordered the buttons on the photo album pages so that the current location would appear at the top.



Content - Added 3 pictures to the Uherské Hradiště photo page.  Added one audio clip.  Added three emails from the first three weeks in country.

Design - Added the Slovakian flag to the homepage and added a paragraph to the intro on the home page.  Edited the homepage map to include Uherske Hradiste.  Slight mods to the contact Haley page.  Changed the header menu to be sticky when scrolling down.  Re-architected the layers on the entire site.



Content - Added photos from the first day of Prague and her first area in Uherske Hradiste.  Also updated the "Contact Haley" page with her address.  Updated the map to show Uherske Hradiste.

Design - Re-built the photo album page with vertical menu for the different sections.  Added pages for "Prague - First Day" and "Uherske Hradiste"  Updated home page by removing the MTC countdown clock. Updated all of the buttons to have a blank background so that they look better on colored backgrounds.



Content - Updated the countdown clock as we have her actual departure time from the MTC.



Content - Added 6 audio clips and about 25 pictures



Content -  Updated mission home address and added package address and letter and package FAQ's

Design - Fixed an issue on the "Contact Haley" page where items were identified as being in the footer when they should have been in the body.   Researched how to do a bulleted list and implemented it on the FAQ's on "Contact Haley" page.



Content - Added audio: "Weekly Update" and "The Lint in the Temple" and 6 pictures to the "The MTC" photo album.



Content - Added video of Haley opening her mission call



Content - Added several new pictures to the "The MTC" photo album.  Added audio: "The Dreamsicle", "P-Day", "Saturday", "Saturday Continued", "Teaching Resource Center - You will find apostasy...."

Design - Added copyright info and contact form to contact the webmaster. Also added contact form landing page.  Moved footer info to A-Master page.  Added rollover and active states to all buttons. Other minor cosmetic improvements.



Content - Added another letter from Haley

Design - Added a menu on the side of the letter page to navigate to other letters. Removed border from around the master page.



Content - Corrected MTC mailing address



Content - Added several new pictures to the "The MTC" photo Album.   Added additional pictures to the "Her Farewell" photo album.  Added Audio "Haley in the MTC #1"

Design - Added Counter, added Updates page, added countdown until leaves the MTC to homepage.